3 Simple Ways I Overcome Impostor Syndrome as an Online Writer
Ever felt like a fraud, like you don’t deserve your achievements.

I used to feel like a fraud.
I felt I had to pretend to be someone I was not as a writer.
I thought I had to impress my readers before they would read my work.
I wanted to be a fake writer.
But I’ve overcome my imposter syndrome.
Now, I’m a confident online content writer.
I want to share how I did it so you can overcome your imposter syndrome as an online writer.
Let’s dive in.
Way #1: Keep going

The best way to overcome imposter syndrome as an online writer is to keep writing.
Keep writing post after post.
Over time, you’ll stop feeling ashamed as an online writer.
“I’ll keep writing.” — M.C. Arrowen
The best way I overcame my imposter syndrome was to keep writing.
I wrote for a long time and before I knew it, my fears were gone.
How I did it:
I write consistently.
I write daily, even on the weekends.
I learn from pro writers to get better at writing.
Way #2: Sell something

Writing is a business.
And the best way to build confidence in this business is to sell something.
When you learn to put your real self out there, you’ll overcome your imposter syndrome and become more confident.
“Put out lots of content about how to solve that problem.” — Laura Fitton
When I was about to sell my first product, I was scared.
But it’s gotten easier to sell as an online writer with time.
Now, I’m more confident as a writer and overcome my imposter syndrome.
How I did it:
I sell products like online courses and services like my newsletter subscriptions.
I don’t spend more than two weeks doing an online course. I give several free pieces of content before pitching a paid course. I make them valuable.
I customize my profile to bring in clients. I only sell to my newsletter subscribers.
Way #3: Strengthen your mind

Imposter syndrome is just a fear.
All you have to do is to overcome this fear, and you’ve overcome your imposter syndrome.
You can do this by having a strong why and strengthening your mind.
“Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient.” — Steve Maraboli
The day I realized that my imposter syndrome was my fear, my life changed.
With this realization, I could overcome my imposter syndrome.
How I do it:
I build my mental strength by consistently posting despite not seeing the results.
I have a strong why.
My why is to create a good life for me and my family.
Three simple ways to overcome imposter syndrome as an online writer:
Keep writing and posting, even on the weekends. And don’t be ashamed of being your real self.
Sell your products and services.
Strengthen your mind and have a strong why.
Imposter syndrome shouldn’t define you as an online writer.
You must overcome it before you see real results as a writer.
And my tips will help you overcome it.
Share your favourite point and your experiences with imposter syndrome.
I’m creating a new course called 7 Simple Strategies to Overcome Impostor Syndrome as an Online Writer to Live Your Best Life.
It will help you recover your confidence so you can be the best writer you can be.
Watch out, I’ll be releasing it soon!!!