Three Powerful Ways I Please God With My Life and He Blesses Me Like Crazy
How to please God with your life so much that he blesses you like crazy

I lost my pencil case today.
At first, I wasn’t too worried. But after Rugby practice, I almost started panicking because it had my ID and other valuables.
So after practice, I asked God to show me where it was and I promised to always pray to him every night before bed if he showed me where it was.
So as I was walking out of my school’s commons I accidentally saw it on a lunch table. I had left it there during lunch without knowing.
So, because I would keep my promise to God and obey him, he found pleasure in my life and blessed me by showing me where my pencil case was.
The first way to please God with your life so much that he blesses you like crazy is to…
Keep your promises to him and obey him. And do the same to others.
Way #2: Give glory to God

The second way is to give glory to God.
Become so good at something like a skill or talent.
But do it for the sole purpose of giving God the glory for your success. This is how you please him with your life and attract his blessings.
Psalm 29:2 (NIV) “Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendour of his holiness.”
My whole life is a blessing from God because I give him all the glory.
How I do it:
I practice my skills daily and become a pro at them, like writing online, so when people ask how I’m so good at them, I say it’s because of God.
I tell people the good parts of my life are because of God, like my popularity.
I don’t believe God causes me to suffer. Instead, I know he uses my mistakes to guide me to him.
Way #3: Thank God and spread salvation

The ultimate way to please God with your life and attract his blessings is to…
Thank Him always for what you have, use your skills to spread salvation to others, and…
Love others.
Psalm 105:1–2 (NIV) “Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done.
The reason God is pleased with my life is because I thank him all the time.
How I do it:
I thank God and enjoy every situation I find myself in, whether good or bad because I know he is using it for my good.
I use my skills, like writing online, to help other Christians and bring God’s salvation to others.
And I also spread salvation by loving others.
How to please God with your life so much that he blesses you like crazy:
Keep your promises to him and obey him. And do the same to others.
Make the purpose of your success in anything be about glorifying God’s name.
Thank God in all situations. Use your skills to spread salvation to others. And love others.
What was your favourite point? Share why in the comments.
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