Three Simple Strategies That Make Me Exceptional at Time Management
Time management isn’t about being busy.
I've struggled with managing my tasks for the past few weeks.
And I’ve found it increasingly harder to complete my tasks.
But in the past few days, I finished most of my work.
Now, I’m mostly caught up.
I want to share the three simple strategies that make me exceptional at time management.
So, if you’re ready, let’s dive in.
Strategy #1: Sooner than later is better

The best time to do your work apart from yesterday is now.
As soon as you find spare time, use it to work.
To become exceptional at time management, you should do your work right when you have extra time.
“The time for action is now.” — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
I’m better at time management when I do things as soon as possible when I have the time.
For example, I workout as soon as I wake up.
Or I study as soon I find the time.
How I do it:
I do things as early as possible instead of delaying it.
I do things as soon as I find the time.
Then I build these two acts into behaviours to become my daily routine.
Strategy #2: Time everything

Your time is precious, and you shouldn’t waste it.
Instead, time your entire day.
It might not work out how you planned.
But you must allocate a certain amount of time for activities in your day to be excellent at time management.
“It is not enough to be busy… The question is: what are we busy about?” — Henry David Thoreau
Time blocking always helps me stay productive and improves my time management skills.
It works when studying, writing, praying, working out, or hanging out with my family.
How I do it:
I create time blocks for each thing I’m doing.
For example, I might give myself two hours to write or 30 minutes to study a new topic.
I make sure I’m not spending too much time on one thing.
Strategy #3: Sleep more

Your time management skills will be mediocre if you aren’t well rested.
No matter how you try, you won’t be as productive the next day if you don’t sleep well.
So, sleep better to improve your time management skills and productivity.
“Never waste any time you can spend sleeping.” — Frank H. Knight
Whenever I don’t sleep well, I find it hard to be productive that day.
But when I sleep well, I feel energetic and ready to take on the world.
How I do it:
When I sleep well, I sleep for 8–9 hours.
I sleep from 9 pm - 6 am.
I try to maintain a normal sleep schedule.
These three simple strategies will make you excellent at time management:
Do your work as soon as you have extra time.
Allocate a certain amount of time for activities in your day.
Sleep better.
Time management isn’t about being busy.
It’s supposed to free your schedule so you have more time for meaningful things, like spending time with loved ones.
And my points can help you achieve that.
Comment down your favourite point and your stories and experiences with time management.
I’m creating a new ebook called 7 Simple Strategies to Overcome Impostor Syndrome So You Can Live Your Best Life.
It will help you stop doubting your potential so you can be the best you can be.
I’ll be releasing it soon so constantly check your inbox.
Also, share what you see in the ebook.